锻造公差 forging tolerance / tolerance for impression die forging
确定公差的因素 information required in determining tolerance
锻件形状复杂系数 shape complexity factor of forging
材质系数 difficulty of material
分模线形状 shape of die line
公差等级 tolerance grad
锻件公称尺寸 nominal dimension of forging
厚度公差 thickness tolerance
模具闭合公差 die closure tolerance
长度、宽度、高度公差 length 、width and height tolerance
模具磨损公差 die wear tolerance
错差、错差公差 mismatch / match tolerance
中心距公差 tolerance for centre to centre dimensions
平面度公差 platness tolerance
直线度公差 straightness tolerance
残余飞边及切入深度公差 residual flash and trimmed flat tolerance
顶杆压痕公差 ejector mark tolerance
表面缺陷公差 surface tolerance
壁厚差 difference in wall thickness
冲孔公差 pierced hole tolerance
同轴度公差 axiality tolerance
折叠、折纹 lap / overlap / fold
缺肉、未充满 under-fill
模锻不足 under-pressing
表面缺陷 surface imperfection
氧化皮坑 scale pit
变形 distortion / deformation
毛刺、飞刺 burr / fin
凹陷 void
出气孔金属柱 vent plug
偏心 eccentricity
中间检查 intermediate inspection
流动检查 patrol inspection
外观检查 visual inspection
最后检查 final inspection
抽检 random inspection