Straightness - a condition where an element of a surface or an axis is a straight line. —直度:一个条件,一个面元素或轴是一条直线 | |
Flatness - is the condition of a surface having all elements in one plane. —平整度:是条件,表面有所有的元素在一个平面 | |
Roundness - describes the condition on a surface of revolution (cylinder, cone, sphere) where all points of the surface intersected by any plane. —圆度:描述条件对革命的表面(圆柱,圆锥,球)在所有点的表面相交的任何飞机 | |
Cylindricity - describes a condition of a surface of revolution in which all points of a surface are equidistant from a common axis. —圆柱度:描述了一个条件的旋转面,使所有的点面距离相等,一个共同的旋转轴 | |
Profile of a Line - is the condition permitting a uniform amount of profile variation, ether unilaterally or bilaterally, along a line element of a feature. | |
| —线轮廓度:是条件允许量相同的剖面变化,醚单边或双边,沿着一条线元素的特征 |
Profile of a Surface - is the condition permitting a uniform amount of profile variation, ether unilaterally or bilaterally, on a surface. —面轮廓度:是条件允许量相同的剖面变化,醚单边或双边,上表面 | |
All Around Symbol - indicating that a tolerance applies to surfaces all around the part. —周围标志:表明公差适用于所有周围的部分表面 | |
Angularity - is the condition of a surface, axis, or centerplane, which is at a specified angle from a datum plane or axis. —倾斜度:是表面,轴,或中线,这是从某一特定角度基准平面或轴 | |
Perpendicularity - is the condition of a surface, axis, or line, which is 90 deg. From a datum plane or a datum axis. —垂直度:条件是表面,轴,或线,这是90度的基准平面或基准轴 | |
Parallelism - is the condition of a surface, line, or axis, which is equidistant at all points from a datum plane or axis. —平行度:一个表面,线,或轴,这是等距离的所有点,基准平面或轴 |